
Showing posts from March, 2017

Simple Speech Simple Life

There is an acronym to take to heart in all things. K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) From: Those of you that have read my past post, might realize that I prefer to keep things simple. I have found in my life that everything is really, very simple. Even something as complex as morality. Which of course boils down to, do or do not. Just about everything comes down to do, do not, yes, no, maybe, and depends. These simple words cover just about every question in life. The US has a new secretary of education Betsy DeVos. During her confirmation hearing she was asked a lot of questions that should have been simple answers. One of them was from Senator Murphy, "Do you think guns have a place in or around schools?" This was a simple question with a yes or no answer. DeVos response was, "I think that's best left to locals and states to decide." Fine, she thinks it should be left up to the states, but that was not the question. The question was what's

Gender and Restrooms

What does it matter what restroom people use? Do you have separate bathrooms in your house for males and females?  Does a female using the toilet after a male or vice versa cause some kind of harm to them? From: Obviously, the answer is there is no harm. People share bathrooms all the time in their houses. Thus it doesn't really matter. There has been a lot of commotion about trans people using restrooms that conform to their gender identity. Many states have even made laws to prevent such things. My simple response to these dumbasses is, "Get over it." However, I should probably explain. I have heard a few dads talk about how they don't want their daughters to use the bathroom with a man in there. Well, they are not. Even if an trans female (often snidely referred to as a male) is using that restroom they have separate stalls. Going the other way, a trans male using the mens room is probably using the stall because gender reassignment surger