
Showing posts from August, 2013

Minimum Wage

I grew up very poor. There were times when we had to choose between electricity and food, of course we chose food every time. Sometimes there wasn't even enough for the choice. I've worked some very low end jobs back in the day. Most of them were normal jobs you would think that someone with no education would get or someone still in school. Jobs like fast food, dinners, grocery stores, car washes, lawn care, farm work, and even had a paper route when I was very young. Since then I've gotten a Bachelors degree and a real career. I've worked from the bottom up and everywhere in between. I tell you this so you can see I'm not just some over paid jerk trying to make life hard for people that don't make a lot of money. I can remember back when minimum wage was $3 and some odd change per hour. Since then, where I live, it's almost $9. I have seen gas go from $1 something to about $4 per gallon on average. The price of everything has went up accordingly as well.

Android is Linux?

One of my favorite things in the world is open source software. That's why I use an open source desktop called Linux. All of you purist out there, calm down. I know Linux is just the kernel, but lets face it. Most people see the whole desktop environment as Linux so get over it. Here is one of the most common questions I get asked about Linux when people find out I use it. "Is Linux ready for the desktop for the average user?" The answer is a resounding YES! I have been using this Android phone for some time and I gotta say. I love it! With all the apps out there for it there is no limit to what you can do with it. It's user friendly interface and multi-touch capabilities it's seems it's the perfect blend for geeks like me and the average user. What most people may not realize it Android is using a special version of the Linux kernel. The same kernel that is running my computer and many other desktops out there. Most of the websites you go to, like anything

Science a religion?

I frequent a few science news websites. I love to learn new things and keep up on the new finding of the day. My main interest is space and the next frontier but I often read at the new studies for global warming and many other things. Many of the commenter's seem to think science is a religion. I figured for my first post I might as well cover this topic. I have seen recently an increase in people commenting on science articles that are doing nothing but trying to spread their beliefs. Such as the Electric Universe  theory, Intelligent Design , and even the  Aether Theory . I link to these so you can do your own research. I have done such research and have found them to be pseudoscience . However, you can make up your own mind. All of the supports of these theories I have came across seem to think science is more of a religion then real science. They all claim there is some kind of conspiracy preventing these theories from reaching mainstream. The funny thing is the way to make