
Showing posts from October, 2015


Words have meaning. I know that comes as a shock to some people, but it is true. Words don't have intrinsic meaning, but they do have meanings we have come to agree upon to enable communication. I have been told on a number of occasions that the dictionary is not the arbiter of definitions. While I do agree with this there seems to be something that a lot of people are forgetting. Dictionaries get updated. I know it's a bit shocking, but dictionaries get updated with definitions for words as they are used in modern languages. Sure, you can use words in new ways that may change the meaning. However, when you start using different definitions for words you can't expect people to understand what you meant to say. Here is an example. If I said, "The nuptials the cops used were titillating." Everyone would have a different understanding than if I said, "The handcuffs the cops used where painful." Even if the second is what I meant by the first statement, I

Gun Laws

I have been seeing all kinds of post across the internet trying to make fun of the idea of banning guns. Instead of explaining these goofy post, I'll simply show you one. This one comes to us from  Freedom Daily with Brian Kolfage  with the caption. "Common sense, isn't so common these days." Let's take a moment here and think this through logically for just a moment. Currently in many (if not all) states the two masked gunmen in this image are not breaking any laws. Even if that was an elementary school property they are not breaking any laws. Therefore, if the cops show up all they could do is ask to see the registration for the guns and the open carry permits. Assuming both of these upstanding citizens can provide the documentation the cops would have to let them go. The cops cannot do anything until they shoot someone. Even at that point they could not be charged until evidence was provided it was not in self defence. How much common sense does it take