
Showing posts from April, 2016


This post will start a series I am planning. The next few post will be about other topics that are commonly censored, such as language, violence, etc. This will come together in a final post in the series about censorship. Today's topic however, is nudity. Below you will see a section of the plaque on Pioneer with the "naughty bits" covered. The question is, why are these body parts "naughty"? Image from Wikipedia and censored by Rug The first thing you might notice about this image is the male only has one censored bar while the female has two. Why? What is so different about male's upper body compared to a female's upper body? OK, full disclosure here. I am horrible at biology. Therefore, I did the same thing I always do when I don't know something and googled it. I found this information from John Hopkins Medicine  that helped clear a few things up for me.   "The structure of the male breast is nearly identical to that of the fema

Rug Vs. Proof of God

Through my normal pursuing of christian content I came across an article on  called "IS THERE A GOD?" I then proceeded to read the article. I mean if someone has found evidence of a god I want to know. Sadly, my time was wasted and my face was smashed by my palm so many times my nose will never be the same. However, It did give me something to write about. So, here goes their claims vs logic, science, and reason. The article starts off by quoting the bible and in a roundabout way saying that if you don't believe in God you are lying. Then concludes its introduction, with more bible quotes, stating that you have to believe in God before you can have proof of God. Which is completely contradictory to the whole point of the article in the first place. Still, I pushed on. At this point I was just hoping it would have better science than logic. Then I saw the first argument for God. "1. Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a delib