Science a religion?

I frequent a few science news websites. I love to learn new things and keep up on the new finding of the day. My main interest is space and the next frontier but I often read at the new studies for global warming and many other things. Many of the commenter's seem to think science is a religion. I figured for my first post I might as well cover this topic.

I have seen recently an increase in people commenting on science articles that are doing nothing but trying to spread their beliefs. Such as the Electric Universe theory, Intelligent Design, and even the Aether Theory. I link to these so you can do your own research. I have done such research and have found them to be pseudoscience. However, you can make up your own mind. All of the supports of these theories I have came across seem to think science is more of a religion then real science. They all claim there is some kind of conspiracy preventing these theories from reaching mainstream. The funny thing is the way to make a name in science is to prove a theory wrong. These people just don't seem to understand this simple concept.

I have found the common thread of all of these pseudoscience supporters. The common thread is they seem to be blind to the science that has taken place that proves the theories wrong. I've even had one person send me links to prove a point but the data they linked me to show the exact opposite of what they was trying to prove. When you see a graph of CO2 levels with a constant up trend and  try to use that as proof CO2 levels are falling it's just blatant stupidity.

One thing that seems to be a common belief is that science is a religion. Now this I take real offence to. Science is not a religion. Never has been and never will be. Science is an absence of religion. A theory that has made predictions and been tested to be accurate is still true rather you believe in it or not. That is what the idea of science is.

What does it mean to have a scientific mind? That's rather simple. It's a way to look at the world. Come up with an idea. Figure out a way to test this idea. Do the test and look at the results. If the results match what your idea was then you have a proven theory. If the test doesn't match your idea then your idea has been proven false. That is when it's time to give up on that idea and maybe look at the results you got and come up with a new idea that matches the results. Figure out a new way to test it, wash, rinse, and repeat so to speak.

A true scientific mind deals with facts. Proven facts that can't be discounted because it's been proven. Religion on the other hand is an idea that is not testable. Although many of the things that are in the christian religions have been proven false. Yet people still believe. These people do not have scientific minds and are unable to think in scientific terms. There is a great many videos on YouTube that cover this topic. I have found one that I think sums up the debate between science and religion rather well. Have a look.


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