Gun Laws

I have been seeing all kinds of post across the internet trying to make fun of the idea of banning guns. Instead of explaining these goofy post, I'll simply show you one.

This one comes to us from Freedom Daily with Brian Kolfage with the caption. "Common sense, isn't so common these days."

Let's take a moment here and think this through logically for just a moment. Currently in many (if not all) states the two masked gunmen in this image are not breaking any laws. Even if that was an elementary school property they are not breaking any laws. Therefore, if the cops show up all they could do is ask to see the registration for the guns and the open carry permits. Assuming both of these upstanding citizens can provide the documentation the cops would have to let them go. The cops cannot do anything until they shoot someone. Even at that point they could not be charged until evidence was provided it was not in self defence. How much common sense does it take to realise this is not a good idea? Sadly, the caption is right common sense does not seem to be that common. This lack of common sense is one reason we have right wing nut jobs walking around with assault rifles into restaurants, school property, and even airports.

I don't mind people owning guns. I'm not saying we should take away anyone's guns. I'm saying stop carrying them around. Leave them at home unless you are hunting. Then leave it in the trunk, unloaded, until you get to the hunting grounds. Want to go to the shooting range. Fine, leave the gun in the trunk unloaded until you get there. Let's make it illegal to carry a gun around town. That way, cop sees gun, not at shooting range or hunting grounds, cop arrest bad guy. Cop just saved lives of everyone who was about to get killed. See someone walking around with a gun, not at shooting range or hunting grounds, call the police. Cops arrest the dumbass and once again lives are saved. Once this is the case, someone looks like they do in the above cartoon, they get arrested, no question as to if it's legal or not. Over all, this makes the cops jobs easier, allows the cops to be safer, and makes all of us safer in the process.

Then again, I'm just a guy named rug. Why would you listen to me? It's just what I think.


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