
Showing posts from January, 2016


I would like to preface this post with a little bit of my history and my personal choices in this matter. With my ex-wife I have been through three miscarriages. Which I would not wish upon my worst enemy. They were terribly heartbreaking and a very difficult time in my life. I have never considered for a second aborting any of the pregnancies I was involved in. Unless approached by the mother I would never consider abortion as an option, and even then I doubt I would be in favor.  To make sure I am talking about the same thing everyone thinks I'm talking about. Here is the dictionary definition of abortion as provided by "The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy."  I would also like to point out that google also list synonyms as termination or miscarriage. Termination in this case makes perfect sense, but why is miscarriage listed? Here is what google gives as the definition for miscarr

Put God Back In Schools?

Browsing through my newsfeeds, I came across something that had me almost doing a spit take. A picture saying "Put God Back In The Schools" Similar to this one. My first thought to this post was. WTF? I mean according to most christians beliefs God is omnipresent. Therefore, he is everywhere. So how exactly did anyone remove him from schools? Then I realised that was nothing more than a facetious response to a nonsense statement. I don't want to argue a strawman argument after all. With a little digging I was able to get to the bottom of what this really meant. In my research I found this petition that has a rather simple description of what is meant by this statement. However, that seem to have the facts completely wrong to start with. "This Country was founded on the principles of the bible..." This is completely incorrect, and you only have to read the constitution to figure this out. Not to mention there are other writings by the founding fathers

Planned Parenthood

In recent headlines from end of 2015 Planned Parenthood has been mentioned a lot. First there was a lot of hoopla over a video that didn't show they were doing anything wrong. Then of course the was the terrible tragedy of a nutcase shooting one facility up. There has been talks in the government about defunding Planned Parenthood, and many nasty thing being said about them all over the news. I would like to take a few minutes here and give my recollection of my experience with them. I was 15 years old living in a small town most people would call the middle of nowhere. This was a predominantly white, middle class, rural town.  The schools had a decent sex education program where they taught about contraceptives, gave rather accurate failure rates of contraceptives, STD's (nowadays called STI's), and showed the only 100% safe sex was no sex. It taught us about our bodies, and the bodies of the opposite sex. To this day I still cannot find any logical or factual faults wit