
This post will start a series I am planning. The next few post will be about other topics that are commonly censored, such as language, violence, etc. This will come together in a final post in the series about censorship. Today's topic however, is nudity. Below you will see a section of the plaque on Pioneer with the "naughty bits" covered. The question is, why are these body parts "naughty"?

Image from Wikipedia and censored by Rug

The first thing you might notice about this image is the male only has one censored bar while the female has two. Why? What is so different about male's upper body compared to a female's upper body? OK, full disclosure here. I am horrible at biology. Therefore, I did the same thing I always do when I don't know something and googled it. I found this information from John Hopkins Medicine that helped clear a few things up for me.  
"The structure of the male breast is nearly identical to that of the female breast, except that the male breast tissue lacks the specialized lobules, as there is no physiologic need for milk production by the male breast."
So the only difference is the lobules which is where breast milk is produced. In general there is also more fat cells in this area for females as well. Therefore, somehow a little extra fat and lunch for a baby became a "naughty bit". I don't see what is so naughty about it but OK. Still, most of the female breast can be exposed and few people complain. Just look at the actresses that walk down the red carpet for the Academy Awards. In fact as long as the nipple is covered it's allowable on TV and Instagram. Wait, that doesn't make sense. Both men and women have nipples. So why is it only the nipple on a female is objectionable? The best argument that I have heard from anyone is we have to protect the children. However, all children have nipples unless there was some kind of birth defect or very painful accident. Therefore, I ask how would seeing someone else's nipple cause them any harm? Which still doesn't answer the question as to why it's only female nipples that are a problem. Seems to me there is a double standard here. If men can walk around topless, women should be able to as well. It's really just that simple. Food production for a baby should not be taboo. This also goes for breastfeeding in public as well. It's just a baby eating lunch. Get over it.

Other "naughty bits" on the front of males is a penis and testicles. I realize these are not the most attractive of body parts, but that does not explain why they need to be covered up. All you really see is hair and skin in a different shape than the rest of the body. What is so wrong with that? The best reason I have came across for this is because a penis is used for sex and the testicles create and store sperm. Once again, it seems that any body part that has anything to do with babies are taboo. What do people have against babies?

On the front of a female we have the much more elegant vagina. Somehow a separation of skin, sometimes with protruding labia, and some hair is considered an "naughty bit". The best reason I have came across for this to be covered up is due to sex once again. Once again, this body part is used to make babies, in this case it's also where the babies come out, and it would seem hated for its function. Therefore, it seems more baby hatred.

On the back side both men and women have buttocks. A group large muscles, fat, skin, and on many hair. The difference between this and the arms is the separation down the middle where digested food is extruded. Which brings to mind a great quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson, "Down there between our legs, it's like an entertainment complex in the middle of a sewage system. Who designed that?" To which I respond, no one intelligent, if it was even designed at all. So why is a butt taboo? I haven't gotten a good answer for this one, ever. The best i can come up with is the fact that it's kinda shitty. Sorry, bad pun, and moving on.

Most of the people that oppose nudity talk about protecting children. To this day, that has been the leading argument for people to cover up when going out. That is once you count out, "It's freaking cold out there!" I get that argument. My question is, how would seeing other human bodies hurt children in any way? Sure, they may ask some awkward questions. I could just see a kid asking, "Mom, why does uncle Bob's penis get bigger when you are around?" However, that would be a great time for a little sex education. Maybe people forget, but kids have human bodies too. Wouldn't it be better for them not to feel ashamed of their body?

What it all really comes down to, is there large groups of people in this world that hates babies. So anything that has to do with babies ends up being taboo. This includes body parts that make them, the breast that feed them, sex education, discussing sex, porn, sex itself, sex toys, and a whole variety of things that have to do with making babies. The odd thing is, they're generally the same people that are against getting abortions, and commonly against birth control as well. I guess they think that if you violated their baby hatred then the woman should have to suffer the pain of pregnancy and giving birth. Therefore, punishing women that don't hate babies are much as they do. This baby hatred also explains why lots of the same people are against the LGBT community. The LGBT community generally doesn't have to suffer after breaking their baby hatred rules. Therefore, they don't the people that get off without the punishment. Wait, was that another bad pun?....And moving on.

I'm just some guy named Rug. I might even be way off base here, but that is what I think. What about you?


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