Irrational Illogical People - AKA Dumbasses

I'm sorry everyone. Looks like I'm a day late and a dollar short. Today's topic is one that has become rather dear to my heart lately. Irrational, illogical, dumbass people and what we can do about them.

We all know someone that fits this bill, but just so there is no confusion I would like to explain who these kind of people are. An irrational person leaps to conclusions with little or no supporting evidence for this conclusion. While, an illogical person will stick with their irrational conclusion even when faced with clear evidence they are wrong. Someone that is both irrational and illogical is a dumbass. Dumbasses are unable to truly think for themselves and will preach their conclusions as fact. They seem to feel a need to let everyone know they alone hold the "truth". Yet, this "truth" is a conclusion based on little to no evidence in support while there is evidence against.

I don't care what anyone believes. If someone wants to hold irrational and illogical conclusions as there personal "truth" so be it. As long as it doesn't affect other people it's rather harmless. I wouldn't call these people dumbasses until they start preaching it. Once someone starts preaching their flawed conclusions as "truth" I can't help but to call them on it. One simple word, dumbass, is all it takes, and seems to piss them off rather quickly.

The most common dumbass I have came across are religious zeolites. They make a bunch of assumptions theat may or may not be true. They always assume I don't believe in God. Well, I don't but that is not the point. The point is, they never ask, they just assume. If they have bothered to take the time to ask if I believe in God then I would be able to tell them I don't see any evidence there is a God and a ton of evidence that shows there isn't a God. However, they don't bother to ask. That's mistake one. They assume, their old book is the word of God. Mistake two. This is such a messed up assumption I don't even know where to begin, so I normally just go with. "Prove to me with scientific evidence this book was written by God" Until then, there is really nothing more to be said about the bible or any other "Holy Book". They assume that the threat of Hell will get me to repent. This one is normally Christians but still mistake three. Three strikes, they're out.

Whenever anyone tries to tell me I'm going to Hell I just have a simple explanation based on their own religious beliefs. There are three rules in their religion that shows the fact they are telling me I'm going to go to hell is wrong. The 9th commandment "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" and the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I'm sure they wouldn't want me to tell them they are going to Hell. They have no right to tell me I'm going to hell in the first place, since that is God's job. Therefore, they are also breaking the 9th commandment. In a way they are also breaking the 1st commandment "You shall have no other gods before me" because they are taking their beliefs about God to be above God. Therefore, according to their own religious rules they are going to Hell. Kinda funny to watch them figure out that line of logic. They normally get a little crossed eyed and stop talking so I take that time to walk away. Wouldn't want a religious riot to start because of me after all.

Some of these religious dumbasses are even trying to get intelligent design taught in schools as a possible scientific theory. For those of you that haven't heard of this one, it's the latest version of creationism that is made to look like science. This is not a scientific theory never has been, never will be, end of story. If you are interested in reading up on it please google it. There is a lot of info out there and I'm not about to link to any of it. It's simply not science in any way shape or form.

The next most common dumbass I run into a lot are people that seem to have no understanding of science trying to tell me science is wrong. Take global warming for example. The closest thing to a logical argument I have heard from this set of dumbasses is "We can't prove humans caused it." Well, that is partly true but still I wouldn't want want to walk in the field they picked that nugget up from. I don't want to get gored from the bull that left it. While science can't say 100% it's humans that are causing global warming there is a significant amount of evidence for it. Most of these dumbass simply claim Earth isn't getting warmer. That is just flat out wrong. It's been proven. I mean all it takes is thermometer reading from around the globe over time. That's not even hard to do.

The least common but even more annoying to me are the dumbasses that want to stick to a scientific theory that has been proven invalid. These people cannot provide any scientific evidence for their theories. They will however provide you links to junk science websites over and over and over and over. A few things to keep in mind when looking into a theory you have not heard of while checking out the info that is available. There is not any real scientific theory that makes it's case by a point by point comparison with accepted theories. When someone is doing this they tend to leave out the facts that prove their theory wrong anyway. Something else to keep an eye out for is a rebuttal list. Unless they are picking at their own theory, there is no reason to have rebuttals anyway. Someone a lot smarter than me once said. If they have to show their credentials to prove their theory then they need a new theory. I tend to hold that as true.

What can we do about these dumbasses that seem to have taken over the world? Unfortunately, not a whole lot. You can try to get them to see reason. You can argue with them until you are blue in the face. You can even try to ignore them. However, none of these options solves the problem. It's also unfortunate I don't have the answer. They seem to run everything and be multiplying faster than logical people. Mainly because the don't believe there is such a thing as over population. One more thing to show their dumbassness. My response to dumbasses is to tell them they are a dumbass with the highest contempt I can possibly muster. Any response thereafter is simply dumbass.

Who knows, maybe I'm just a dumbass named rug, but that's what I think.


  1. Ah! THERE you are.... i was getting concerned!

    i love your quote " If they have to show their credentials to prove their theory then they need a new theory." THIS is absolutely true!

    i have been pondering this very subject of late... and i think i may have some reason for the proliferation of bad data: MONEY.

    in the age of information, it is fascinating that empirical data does not rule, but rather the information with the highest paid publicist tends to rule.
    it seems that the worst data makes better copy and gains more support due to the average stupidity of the watcher, the sheer volume of repetition, and (of course) the power of denial. maybe THAT is why it is so popular? kinda like sticking your head in the sand, huh?
    just because you don't believe something, does not mean it isn't really happening.

    i enjoy your blog... thanks.


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