
What is a good reason for going to war? Does war solve problems? When one country takes over another but most of the people die, is it still a victory? Why do we still embrace this barbaric practice? Is there a better way?

There are terabytes worth of data out there from philosophers about how great war is and how much war sucks. However, I have not looked at any of it. None of it is relevant to the wars of today. Since I live in today’s world this is where I focus.

First of all, let me say I support our troops. I might not agree with what they are told to do, but anyone willing to put their life on the line to protect my country has my respect and support. That does bring up a good question though. What is a good reason to send people to kill and be killed? I don’t think there is one, at least not anymore.

We live in a world today were we could send a missile half way across the world and hit a target the size of a quarter. Why are we killing armies of innocent people just to get rid of a leader that is being a jack ass? Why don’t we simply pin point that leader send a missile to that exact location and let the pieces fall where they may? I have this impression, if the leaders out there thought for a second we would go directly after them and not innocent people they just might get over their bad behavior. One leader pisses off another so they kill each other directly, seems fair to me. Could make it a fight to the death and put it on TV. Hey, we just might make some money on this! I’m joking, well kind of. I just don’t see why innocent people have to suffer when two leaders start getting penis envy. When I get pissed off at someone I take it to them, not a bunch of people that had nothing to do with it.

All joking aside, does war really solve problems? Well, sometimes. I mean, look at World War 2. Killed Hitler and freed a bunch of people. Most of the time all war seems to accomplish is to get lots of people killed for no good reason. The simple truth of the matter is; if people stood up for themselves then no one else would have to. On the other hand, if people stop being assholes then no one would need to stand up for themselves. I think Rodney King said it best, “Can’t we all just get along?” Sadly the answer seems to be no.

I’m still waiting for the time when the entire human race realizes we have much bigger fish to fry. Why do we still embrace war even though it’s an ancient barbaric tradition? Because the human race is not as evolved or superior as we like to think. Let’s face it people, besides some cool gadgets we are really not that different then people of 100 or even 1000 years ago. We eat, drink, sleep, piss, shit, have sex, have kids and try not to get killed. It’s not only the American way. It is the way of the world.

Can you truthfully tell me I’m wrong? I doubt it. There is a much better way to deal with problems then going to war. Killing people that have nothing to do with the issue doesn’t solve anything. My name is rug and that is just what I think. What about you?


  1. truck.captain.stumpyOctober 23, 2013 at 1:23 PM

    I have mixed opinions about this topic... if you are referring to war between each other, as in inter-species war, then I agree it has to go away.
    your comments: " Could make it a fight to the death and put it on TV. Hey, we just might make some money on this! I’m joking, well kind of. I just don’t see why innocent people have to suffer when two leaders start getting penis envy. When I get pissed off at someone I take it to them, not a bunch of people that had nothing to do with it."
    this is SPOT ON! and I agree totally!
    war in general? we should not be so hasty.

    I have thought long and hard about this... since you have posted it. I really think that it should be pondered more...
    again, interspecies war SHOULD be rendered obsolete... but not war entirely. just think it would be foolish to (pretty much) disarm the species as a whole .


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