Meaning of life

What is the meaning of life? There are all kinds of answers to this question depending on who you ask. Some people can narrow it down to one thing family, friends, love, or money. Personally, I think they are all wrong. Family is one of the most important things for me but it’s not top of the list. Friends, come and go so they can’t really be that important. Love, while ranking high not quite there. The meaning of life is knowledge the way I see it. In very basic terms we are born, learn, pass on what we learned, and we die. All the while not realizing what we were really doing. Maybe not even realizing what has happened to them.

You go through your life leaning from everything and everyone around you. You pick and choose what you learn, how you learn it, and who makes the most sense to you. Everyone figures out that if you fall it hurts. I’m sure most people have fallen and have learned this lesson. When you get older, you tell your kids to be careful. Hoping they will learn from your mistake. They never seem to, but that is the hope at least. Passing knowledge to your children is what makes children and family so high on the list of most important things. Nurturing children, providing for them, and educating them about how the world works is your job as a parent. This is how we as the human race have survived all this time on top of the food chain. Thus, it’s one of the top priorities in the world. Friends have come up many times as the meaning of life. Most of the people I have ever met or read about that claim friends are the meaning of life do not have children. However, they are normally the leader of their small group. As a leader they pass on what knowledge they have to their friends normally through example and conversation. This is the basis of a community and can serve as replacement for family and maybe even children.

Love, another top thing some people will claim is the meaning of life. Find the one you will love for the rest of your life. I don’t know about you but I’ve been in love so many times now I can’t seem to wrap my head around the idea that is only one person I would love. I mean think about it. You have parents, grandparents, siblings, kids, a romantic partner, cousins, nieces and nephews. Looking for one person to love would be impossible since from the movement you understand love you already love more than one person. The only explanation I can think of is maybe they mean a mate. That suggests a whole other issue, a single mate for life. I can tell you from experience. That doesn’t always happen. In fact there are very few people that are still with their first love. Therefore, this whole love thing gets way to confusing and muddied up. There is no way that can be the meaning of live. The meaning of life should be a simple thing. The best things in life always are.

Some people will do anything for the all mighty dollar. Just to prove my point. Prostitution is where you get something for having sex with someone else. Well sure, you could get something for having sex by yourself. Let’s face it, that’s not as much fun. Once you see most of the people that are willing to pay for sex you will see how greedy someone would have to be to accept. Some people have sold their kids for money. That seems to be another kink in the whole “children are the meaning of life” thing. There is only one problem with money being the meaning of life. Some of the happiest people I know are broker than a cow’s neck in a slaughter house. How can money be the meaning of life when we made it up in the first place?

Obtaining as much knowledge as you can and passing it along to others is the meaning of life. It’s really the only thing we do. You get it and pass it to you family and friends. It’s always easier to find someone to love when you know how to have a conversation, dance, and when to back off. Money might help in finding love but you can’t get money without some kind of knowledge. We can’t all be Forest Gump and just coast through life and everything fall into place in the end. Could I be wrong? Yes, my knowledge is not perfect and neither is yours. When you think you know something, take another look. There is nothing worse than passing along bad knowledge. Isn’t that where religion and pseudoscience comes from? I’m just an old country boy named rug, but that’s what I think.


  1. I just KNEW you had to be a country boy!
    you rural? or a little closer to things for the family?

    knowledge is extremely important. I agree with you on that totally... but not sure it is THE most important. I think THE meaning of life might be subjective, and depends heavily on the individual. For me, knowledge is the only thing I have left, even though I really could use more of it... though, around here, there is no one really that I can discuss science with... maybe some that I can discuss medicine with, etc, but not the other sciences, like astronomy, physics, etc. sigh.
    I am just a simple mountain man trying to learn as much as I can and sometimes I fail miserably.
    I totally MISSED this post! thought WAR was the last one you did! still have not seen much from you lately. hope all is going well. e-mail me if you have time. I've PM'ed you my e-mail, right? if not, let me know, I will give it to you again.


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