Does God Exist?

There have been many debates about the existence of God. There have been many arguments, counter arguments, and so called evidence. I am going to cover some of the most used arguments I have came across. 

The most common I hear people say is a dumbed down version of the cosmological argument. Here is the argument made from William Lane Craig.

"Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
The Universe began to exist.
Therefore, the Universe had a cause."

Then Mr. Craig goes on to say that cause must have been God. I'll excuse, for now, that giant leap he makes here from cause to God. I'll just talk about his premises. The first one, "Whatever begins to exist has a cause", sounds like common sense right? Sure, you never see anything happen without a cause. However, with the very next line he starts talking about the Universe. That gets me thinking but I'll hold off for the moment. The last line, "Therefore, the Universe had a cause," seems to be a bit off. How could there be a cause before there was time? He is saying here that before time existed something happened that caused the Universe to begin. How could something happen before time? How is it even possible for there to be a "before" when you are talking time beginning? I'm sorry, I don't have an answer to that one. Neither do science test at the moment. Mr. Craig is assuming here that there was a time before time. I've heard of "Land Before Time." I use to love those movies when I was a kid, but I don't think it makes any sense to talk about a time before time. This makes his entire argument nonsensical. Then he makes this leap to the cause of the Universe is God. How does he do that? What evidence does he present that God was that cause? None, that is why this argument doesn't hold up. 

The next most common argument for the existence of God that I here is another dumbed down version of Pascal's Wager. This one basically says you lose nothing by believing in God but if don't then you loose everything. Mostly you hear this one as, "What if your wrong?" I get so tired of hearing that one. So let me explain in three easy steps why this one doesn't work. 

1) If God did exist he would know what it would take to convince me and would be able to do it. 
2) God has not convinced me.
3) Therefore, God has failed. Why would I want to worship a failure?

There is also the point that I have always tried to live the best I can. I have tried to be the best person I can be, and tried to do right with everyone and everything. Granted, I haven't been perfect but I'm only human. If there is a God and he condemns to punishment for eternity, because he failed to convince me, then he is a DICK and I want nothing to do with him. 

The third most common one I hear, normally after the first two have failed, is a dumbed down version of the argument from design. This one is commonly something like this, "Just look around you. How could you not see God had to create all of this?" My only response to this one is, "Go read a science book and come then come talk to me." Seriously, this entire argument, the professional and nonprofessional versions, are simply an argument from ignorance. The only cure for ignorance is education. 

One of my favorites but much less used is the argument from the meaning of life. This one basically says God must exist because without God, human life would have no objective meaning. All I have to say about this one is, "Why does there have to be an objective meaning?"

It's normally at this point I get told I'm going to go to hell and burn forever. That is when it gets really fun. Let me explain this one fully according to their theology. 

1) Isn't God the only one that can make that judgment?
2) The first commandment is "You shall have no other gods before Me." (Variation per translations)
3) You have just judged me.
4) Therefore, you have broken the first commandment. Your punishment according to the bible is death. (Deuteronomy 17:1-5) Should I proceed with your punishment?

Somehow, the answer to that one is always no. I find that interesting. I also have a problem with anyone that thinks I deserve eternal punishment because they have not provided evidence for their beliefs.

No, I do not believe there is a god. However, I do not deny the possibility. All it would take is some evidence that God exist. That's all I'm asking for. I don't that is much to ask for a almighty, omniscient being. But, what do I know? I'm just a guy named rug, but that is what I think.


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